Grand Necromancer

Xanos Doom's page

671 posts. Alias of Doomed Hero.




Active Effects: message, stoneskin, spectral hand, fly Ritual Calendar


HP 43/43, Temp HP 11, AC: 17, Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +7, Perception:+8, Channel 8/8, Bolster 10/10


M, 210 lb, 6'5

Special Abilities

Lich Touch 6x per day, Channel Energy 7x per day, DC 16




necril, aklo, infernal, abyssal, celestial, draconic, giant, goblin, ignian, auran, terran, common



Strength 12
Dexterity 8
Constitution 8
Intelligence 26
Wisdom 10
Charisma 16

About Xanos Doom

Male Human Cruoromancer Necromancer Wizard 7, Agent of the Grave 1


Poison pool

Boggard hallucinogen

Animate Treant and Minotaur


There has always been a Doom. His existence goes back as far as the written word of great Mitra himself. Xanos was the first betrayer, he who was cast out for blasphemy and brought many tides of darkness against the early Mitran people. The word 'doom' itself comes from the legend of Xanos. It is a word that began as a name, but is now synonymous with an impending horrible fate.

Today, none know where the Necromancer called Xanos came from, or even if he truly exists. There are a dozen stories that all conflict, told generation after generation to Mitran youths to scare them into pious and forthright behavior.

The truth is much simpler. Xanos was born before Mitra was called Mitra. Back then Mitra was simply a sun god among a pantheon worshiped by a budding civilization.

There was a drought, and to appease the sun god the people sacrificed a the woman with the most beautiful voice in the land. She was to sing the sun to sleep and usher in the rains.

That doomed woman had a lover who became very, very angry.

He cursed the gods and the people and vanished. He returned years later and brought ruin down upon them. The civilization was destroyed in fantastic horror. In it's place rose the pantheistic kingdom which would eventually become Talengarde. Mitran scholars believe that Mitra would have risen to become the dominent god long before had it not been for the actions of the one called Doom.

Xanos, as he would later come to be called, became a legend, then a myth. His motives were unknown, but every time his presence was revealed it brought suffering with it. New kinds of undead seemed to flow forth from wherever he was rumored to be.

The worship of the sun god now called Mitra slow spread until a young general named Markadian usurped the throne. The Mitran Inquisitors set out to find Xanos, but he quickly went underground, vanishing for decades until he was captured by a powerful Witch Hunter named Sir Renfield.

The Xanos they captured looked nothing like the legends, but Sir Renfield was positive it was him.

Enchanted manacles weer locked to his wrists, draining his power and reducing him to the status of a mere mortal and a metal mask was locked to his face to prevent his blasphemy from being uttered.

Branderscar prison awaited him. He was unconcerned. The prison was doomed.


Xanos is a philosopher. He thinks of the gods as slave masters and wants to advance the idea of breaking free of their control. Here is the philosophy he has developed over the years-

Life is Bondage, every aspect of mortal life, from desire to emotion, to breathing and eating is a form of control. It limits us and makes us small, servile and unable to take responsibility for our own actions. It is these things that allows the gods to justify their treatment of us.

To Know Freedom You Must Know Slavery, we all have many masters. We must accept them, serve them dutifully in order to understand what it is they ask from us and why, and then we must rebel against them with every fiber of our beings. Personhood is earned.

Death is Peace, Peace is Failure, when we die we no longer struggle, which means we can no longer learn or grow. Peace is the ultimate acceptance of what is. In life and death we are subject to the whims of the gods. When we die only they decide if we get another chance. The game is rigged. Death is the ultimate shackle, the ultimate surrender of personhood.

The Spiral Must Be Broken, the cycle of life, death and rebirth is like a cosmic whirlpool that sucks down every living thing, churns it at the bottom and then spits it out back to the top again. Every living thing tries to fight the current. They all lose. To be free we must leave the waters.

That philosophy colors his approach to every situation. He has existed for centuries exploring ways of breaking free of what he thinks of as divine tyranny. Now, he is forced to start over. To some that would be devastating. To Xanos it is an opportunity to try a new way.

Appearance and Personality:

Eyes: Black
Hair: Bald
Skin: Very dark
Height: 6'5
Weight: 210

Xanos is a tall, muscular man with dark skin covered in runic tattoos. He has pale blue, nearly white eyes and no body hair to speak of and no belly button. He looks human, but of no discernible ethnicity.

Aside from ending the gods' tyranny over the souls of mortals, Xanos' personal goal is his age old vendetta. The destruction of the entire Mitran religion. Normally he wouldn't single out a particular religion in his personal crusade to escape the gods, but they made it personal.

His tools for this goal will be their own religious texts. He plans on creating their version of Revelation. He figures that since they already wrote the book on how their world is going to end, he might as well just use it.

Ten Minute Background:

Xanos is a philosopher. He thinks of the gods as slave masters and wants to advance the idea of breaking free of their control. Here is the philosophy he has developed over the years-

Life is Bondage, every aspect of mortal life, from desire to emotion, to breathing and eating is a form of control. It limits us and makes us small, servile and unable to take responsibility for our own actions. It is these things that allows the gods to justify their treatment of us.

To Know Freedom You Must Know Slavery, we all have many masters. We must accept them, serve them dutifully in order to understand what it is they ask from us and why, and then we must rebel against them with every fiber of our beings. Personhood is earned.

Death is Peace, Peace is Failure, when we die we no longer struggle, which means we can no longer learn or grow. We are subject to the whims of the gods, and only they decide if we get another chance. Death is the ultimate shackle, the ultimate surrender of personhood.

The Spiral Must Be Broken, the cycle of life, death and rebirth is like a cosmic whirlpool that sucks down every living thing, churns it at the bottom and then spits it out back to the top again. Every living thing tries to fight the current. They all lose. To be free we must leave the waters.

That philosophy colors his approach to every situation. He has existed for centuries exploring ways of breaking free of what he thinks of as divine tyranny. Now, he is forced to start over. To some that would be devastating. To Xanos it is an opportunity to try a new approach.

Xanos' Goal: Destroy the entire Mitran religion. Normally he wouldn't single out a particular religion in his personal crusade to escape the gods, but they made it personal.

His tools for this goal will be their own religious texts. He plans on creating their version of Revelation. He figures that since they already wrote the book on how their world is going to end, he might as well just use it.

My goal as a player: Become a lich, and perhaps eventually even shed his corporeal form entirely, breaking free of the mortal plane to exist as a being of pure intellect and will.

What Xanos Knows: His name isn't actually Xanos, and the body he is in is not his own. That means when he signs the contract, he will be signing a false name in someone else's blood. It will be utterly meaningless, just like the god and the church who employ it.

That said, he's completely willing to work with them to complete his other goals.

What Xanos Doesn't Know: His philosophy has spread in dark whispered corners and a cult has formed which elevates him as a saint/god of rebellion.

He's going to hate that when he find out.

Sir Renfield the Witch-Hammer has been dispatched to deal with the budding Xanos cult. A legendary witch-hunter, one of the church's most successful and ruthless sons. He trained most of the current generation of Inquisitors and wrote the actual book they use in their hunts.

Xanos was his "White Whale" for years, and the final feather in his cap before he retired. He was the one who managed to capture Xanos when he was at his strongest, and bring him to Branderscar for execution.

He's going to be very upset when he finds out Xanos escaped from Branderscar.

The Other Xanos: An experiment years ago with a Simulacrum created a weaker version of himself. They parted amiably, both pursuing their shared goals separately. The double is still out there somewhere, and now their roles are reversed. Xanos does not know the whereabouts of his artificially created double, or if they will still be allies if they meet again.

It could be that his double is the one responsible for the rise of the Xanos Cult.

1) Xanos doesn't like bodily functions. When he isn't actively doing something, he tries not to twitch, move blink, scratch or any of the other things that people normally do. He even breathes as little as possible. He considers everything his body does that is not purposeful to be something that needs to be mastered an overcome.

He tries to ignore base impulses like sexual desire and emotional reaction. He even dislikes eating and does it as little as possible. Sleep is his least favorite activity. He considers it an enormous waste of time.

2) Xanos has very little respect for the sanctity of life. He considers nearly everyone to be insignificant and almost always controlled by shackles they cannot fight against. He has no respect for addicts, carousers, the lazy, the stupid, or people who swear oaths that limit them.

He respects people who manifest their own will into power and anyone intelligent enough to have a good debate with him.

3) Xanos sees power as a means to an end. It is a step along the path, not the end of the path. Even if he succeeds in his goal to destroy the Mitrans, it will not be enough. Every goal is part of a larger agenda that ends with the death of the gods themselves. Because of that, Xanos is almost never satisfied or content. He is a workaholic of the worst sort.


HP: 43 {6 +7d6 [31], -7 Con, +10 toughness, +3 cha}

AC: 11 (+2 Haramaki, kilt, -1 dex)
...+4 mage armor
...+4 shield
...haramaki acts as barbed vest

Flat Footed: 11:[/b]
Touch AC: 9

Fort: +3 {+2 wizard, +1 agent), -1 Con, +1 resistance}
Reflex +2 {+2 wizard,-1 Dex, +1 resistance}
Will: +7 {+5 wizard, +1 agent), +1 resistance}
...+1 vs divine spells

CMD 13 {+3 bab, +1 Str, -1 Dex}


Speed: 30 ft.
Base/Reach: 5/5

Base Atk: +3
CMB: +4; {+3 Base, +1 Str, +0 size, +0 misc}

Dagger +4, 1d4+1, 19-20 crit

Lich Touch +4 (touch attack), 1d6

Feats and Traits:

Heresy: You have denied the supremacy of Mitra and been condemned for it. For this to be a crime, you were not content to keep your heresy to yourself. You tried to sway others. Likely you were captured by the famed witch hunter Sir Balin of Karfeld. The last thing he said to you was: “Mitra may forgive you yet for your lies. Talingarde will not.” If only you could get a chance at revenge! Punishment: Death by burning. Benefit: You receive a +1 trait bonus on all saving throws against divine spells.

Signature Spell: +1 Caster Level, Animate Dead

Gifted Adept: +1 Caster Level, Animate Dead

Umbral Unmasking: You cast no shadow whatsoever, or the shadow you do have is monstrous. Under normal lighted conditions, this is not hard to observe—but uncommon to notice. Creatures that succeed at a DC 15 Wisdom check notice it plainly (an additional Perception check may be required based on environmental conditions). This telltale sign of wickedness cannot be concealed by misdirection, nondetection, or illusions, except those that also affect shadows (such as invisibility).

Scribe Scroll (wizard bonus)
Command Undead (school bonus)
Toughness (1st level)
Spell Focus Necromancy (human bonus)
Craft Wondrous Item (3rd level)
Improved Familiar (5th level)
Vile Leadership (7th level)

For later
Craft magic Arms and Armor
Craft Construct
Mage's Tattoo [necromancy]

Leadership Score: 13
(Level 7, +3 cha, +2 [ruthless], +1 [rewards success], +1 [special power], +2 [stronghold], -1 [tolerant of failure], -1 [often inactive]

Cohort level: 6th
Followers: 1st level x10, 2nd level x1


(14 wizard, 4 agent, 48 INT, +8 race, +16 Background, 16 bonus skill ranks from Headband* (Handle Animal, Diplomacy)
106 points total

ACO: -0
ASF: 0%

+9 Stealth* (8 ranks, -1 dex, +2 eq)
+8 Perception (8 ranks, +0 wis)
+25 Craft: Alchemy (8 ranks, +7 int, +3 class, +2 circumstance, +5 cauldron)
+13 Craft: Taxedermy (1 ranks, +7 int, +3 class, +2 eq)
+13 Craft: Masonry (1 ranks, +7 int, +3 class, +2 eq)
+13 Craft: Smithing (1 ranks, +7 int, +3 class, +2 eq)
+13 Craft: Skrimshaw (1 ranks, +7 int, +3 class, +2 eq)
+13 Craft: Painting (1 rank, +7 int, +3 class, +2 eq)
+13 Craft: Carpentry (1 ranks, +7 int, +3 class, +2 eq)
+13 Craft: Glassmaking (1 rank, +7 int, +3 class, +2 eq)
+13 Craft: Trap (1 ranks, +7 int, +3 class, +2 eq)
+18 Knowledge Arcana (8 ranks, +7 int, +3 class)
+18 Knowledge Religion (8 ranks, +7 int, +3 class)
+17 Knowledge History (7 ranks, +7 int, +3 class)
+17 Knowledge Planes (7 ranks, +7 int, +3 class)
+11 Knowledge Nobility (1 ranks, +7 int, +3 class)
+11 Knowledge Nature (1 rank, +3 class, +7 int)
+11 Knowledge Local (1 rank, +3 class, +7 int)
+11 Knowledge Geography (1 rank, +3 class, +7 int)
+12 Knowledge Dungeoneering (2 rank, +7 int, +3 class)
+11 Knowledge Engineering (1 ranks, +7 int, +3 class)
+18 Spellcraft (8 ranks, +7 int, +3 class)
+14 Linguistics (5 ranks, +7 int, +3 class)
...+2 forgery
+11 Use Magic Device (8 ranks, +3 cha)
+13 Handle Animal (8 ranks*, +3 cha, +2 circumstance)
+11 Diplomacy (8 ranks, +3 cha)

necril, aklo, infernal, celestial, draconic, giant, goblin, ignian, auran, terran, aquan, common

Wizard Abilities:

Power over Undead (Su) You receive Command Undead or Turn Undead as a bonus feat. You can channel energy a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence modifier, but only to use the selected feat. You can take other feats to add to this ability, such as Extra Channel and Improved Channel, but not feats that alter this ability, such as Elemental Channeland Alignment Channel. The DC to save against these feats is equal to 10 + 1/2 your wizard level + your Charisma modifier. At 20th level, undead cannot add their channel resistance to the save against this ability.

Bolster (Sp): As a standard action, you can touch an undead creature and infuse it with negative energy. It gains a +1 profane bonus on all attack rolls and saving throws, as well as 1 temporary hit point per Hit Die and a +2 bonus to its turn resistance. The bonus on attack rolls and saving throws increases by +1 for every 5 wizard levels you possess. These bonuses last for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 your wizard level (minimum 1 round). The bonuses and temporary hit points are immediately dispelled if the creature is within the area of a consecrate spell. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence modifier.

Blood Infusion (Su) When a cruoromancer casts a spell of the necromancy school, he can opt to infuse that spell with his undead-tainted blood as a swift action. As he increases in level, the power and effects of such infusions become more potent. Each time a cruoromancer uses blood infusion, he drains a portion of his own blood either by cutting himself with a blade or by opening a scab from a previous wound. When he does this, he takes an amount of damage equal to 1d4 + the level of the spell being infused. A cruoromancer can only affect a spell with a single type of blood infusion. At 1st level, he can infuse his necromancy spells in either of the following ways.

Focused Infusion: When the cruoromancer uses this infusion, he adds +1 to the DC of the infused necromancy spell.

Sickening Infusion: When the cruoromancer uses this infusion, any creature damaged by the infused necromancy spell becomes sickened for 1 round.
This ability replaces arcane bond.

Blood Command (Su) At 5th level, a cruoromancer can control up to 5 Hit Dice worth of undead creatures per caster level instead of the normal 4 Hit Dice of undead when casting the animate dead spell. He also gains the following blood infusion ability.

Commanding Infusion: When using this infusion with animate dead, the cruoromancer can create a number of Hit Dice of undead equal to three times his caster level instead of twice his caster level.

This ability replaces the 5th-level wizard bonus feat.

Agent of the Grave abilities:

Inspired Necromancy (Ex) When determining the maximum number of Hit Dice of undead he can control with spells like animate dead, a character counts his Agent of the Grave levels twice. This ability does not factor into how many undead he can create with a single casting of a spell. Thus, a cleric 7/Agent of the Grave 3 would be able to control 52 Hit Dice worth of undead with animate dead.

Lich’s Touch (Su) At 1st level, the Agent of the Grave becomes a conduit for negative energy and the chill powers of death, allowing him to make a melee touch attack dealing 1d6 points of damage from negative energy per level of the Agent of the Grave class he attains. This ability allows him to heal undead minions, and himself upon attaining the negative energy affinity ability at 4th level. He can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + his Charisma bonus.

Unholy Fortitude (Su) At 1st level, the Agent of the Grave can tap into his conviction and bolster his health. Starting with the hit points he rolls for gaining his first Agent of the Grave level and every time he gains a level in any class thereafter, the character may choose to add either his Constitution bonus or his Charisma bonus to the number of new hit points he gains for that level.

Race Abilities:

Base Stats-

Str: 12
Dex: 8
Con: 8
Int: 22 +4 headband (+2 from level up bonuses)
Wis: 10
Cha: 16

Favored Class: Wizard taken 7 times. +1.75 Caster Level to Necromancy spells

Race Traits
Ability Score Racial Traits: Human characters gain a +2 racial bonus to one ability score of their choice at creation to represent their varied nature.
Bonus Feat
+1 skill point per level


Wizard Spells

Opposed Schools: Illusion and Evocation
Memorized spells marked with an X
Opposed schools marked in italics
Necromancy marked in bold
...+1 Necromancy DCs (spell focus)
...+1 Necromancy DC (blood infusion)
...+1.75 Caster Level, Necromancy (favored class bonus)
...+X Caster Level, Necromancy (deathwine)
...+1 Caster Level, Necromancy (deathknell)
...+1 Caster Level, Necromancy (Salt alchemical power component)
...+ Sickening to harmful Necromancy spell (sickening infusion)

...+2 caster level Animate Dead (gifted adept, signature spell)
...x3 HD, Animate Dead (commanding infusion)

-=0th (at will), 4 memorized=-

Disrupt Undead
Touch of Fatigue
Mage Hand x
Arcane Mark
Prestidigitation x
Message x
Open Close
Read Magic
Detect Magic x
Acid Splash
Detect Poison
Dancing Lights
Ray of Frost
Ghost Sound

-=1st (3/day, +2 bonus, +1 Necromancy)=-
Sculpt Corpse
Decompose Corpse
Restore Corpse
Repair Undead x
Cause Fear
Feather Fall x
expeditious retreat
hold portal
mage armor x
shield x
rope trick
Blood Money x
Crafter's Fortune x
Comprehend Languages
Burning hands
Dancing lantern
Magic missile

-=2nd (3/day, +1 bonus, +1 Necromancy)=-
Command Undead x
False Life x
Spectral Hand x
Fox's Cunning
Bull Strength x
Eagle Splendor
Glitterdust x
Communal Mount
Stone Call
Blood Transcription
Detect Thoughts
Create Treasure Map
Make Whole
Locate Object
burning gaze
flaming sphere
protection from arrows
scorching ray

3rd (2 per day, +1 bonus, +1 necromancy)
Vampiric Touch x
Accursed Glare x
Spiked Pit x
Stinking Cloud
Dispel Magic x
Flaming arrow

4th (1 per day, +1 bonus, +1 necromancy)
Animate Dead
Enervation x
Stoneskin x
Black Tentacles x
Fire shield
Ice storm
Wall of fire

---Unlearned Spells---
Dead wizard's spell book
4: fire shield, ice storm, stoneskin, wall of fire
3: dispel magic, flaming arrow, fireball, fly
2: bull's strength, burning gaze, flaming sphere, protection from arrows, pyrotechnics, scorching ray, web
1: burning hands, dancing lantern, expeditious retreat, mage armour, magic missile, sleep
0: all

Consumables and Reagents:

Spring Loaded Wrist Sheaths
(Free action to retrieve)
L) Potion of Cure Moderate
R) Potion of Deathwine

(retrieved like weapons)
Wand of Infernal Healing 50/50
Wand of Command Undead 50/50

Bandoleer x2 (12 slots)
(retrieve as move action
L1) Tangleburn Bag
L2) Tangleburn Bag
L3) Tanglefoot Bag
L4) Stun Vial
L5) Bottled Frost
L6) Lightning Bottle

R1) Cure Light
R2) Cure Mod
R3) Cure Mod
R4) Cure Mod
R5) Cure Mod
R6) Cure Serious

kept in spellbook, tabbed at the back for fast retrieval

Mage Armor x2
Mount x2
Invisibility x3
Hold Portal x2
False Life x2
Communal Mount x2
Comprehend Languages x2
Blood Transcription x2
Detect Thoughts x3
Create Treasure Map x2
Locate Object x2
Glitterdust x2
Stone Call x2
Fly x2

(not readied, full round action to retrieve)
Potion of Cure Light x5
Tangle burn bags x8
Tanglefoot bag x5
Alchemist fire x5
Acid x2
Bottled Frost x2
Lighting Bottle x2
Stun Vial x2
Antiplague x4
Antitoxin x4

Belt Pouches
move action to retrieve
Stubborn Nail x6
Sovereign Glue
Universal Solvent
Unguent of Timelessness

In secondary spell component pouch
Dweomer Essence x2
Diamond dust (500 gp)
Onyx (1000 GP worth)


Armor: Haramaki
Head: Headband of Int +4, Iron Eye, Circlet of Disguise (acts as Hat of Disguise)
Shoulders: Cloak of Resistance +1
Body: Authoritative Vestments
Wrist: Spring Loaded Wrist Sheathes
Hands: Spiked Gauntlets

Traveler's Any Tool

In Haversack
Fuse line
Specimen vials

In travel chest/workshop
Cauldron of Brewing
Alchemical tools and supplies

Carrying Capacity
Light 0-58 lb. Medium 59-116 lb. Heavy 117-175 lb.
Lift off ground: 350. Push/Drag: 875

Platinum: 125
Gold: 657
Silver: 93
Copper: 86

Undead Minions:

Animation HD per casting: 30 (7 wizard, 2 agent, +1 favored class, x3 blood infusion)
...+1 CL alchemical power component
...+3 CL Bloodwine

Base Created Undead control pool: 45 (7 wizard, 2 agent, x5 blood infusion).

Channel Energy (HD = Wizard Level):
1 Human Skeleton Archer (1 HD) lab assistant
1 Flaming Swarming Beheaded: equivalent to 4 HD

Animate Dead (Total Hit Dice = caster level x 5): 54 HD max from most recent casting
15 Bloody Burning Boggard Skeleton Archers: 45 HD
5 Crawling Hands: 5 HD

Command Undead Spell (no limit, duration differs for each casting)

Bodies (unused)
Dozens of Boggards
16 adventurers

2 Human Skeleton Archers (in 1st floor capture cage)

Theme Music:


In his private quarters you also find a family “bible” of the House of Havelyn. This ancient holy book in praise of Mitra also features a chart detailing Lord Havelyn’s family tree. The books is quite valuable (450gp) but would be incredibly difficult to sell as it obviously belongs to Lord Havelyn. You can cannibalize the gold embellishments to sell (100gp).

You see that one name has been blotted out from the Havelyn genealogy. That name ‘Samuel Havelyn, Cardinal of Mitra’ can still barely be discerned. Samual would have been the Commander's brother.


Retrieve book from hole in cavern wall

Read Journal of Brother Zander Trask.