Anya Jeggare

Heligar's page

35 posts. Alias of Unspunnen.

About Heligar


5' 10" 148 lbs
A striking blue-eyed woman in the prime of her life with blond hair tied into a long braid and tanned skin. Her physique is magnificent. She wears a a mail shirt and carries a great sword with an ornate pommel - fashioned in the old style.


She is fierce, courageous, proud and not given to effusive speech. She occasionally withdraws from company and suffers from bouts of grief. As is typical of her people, her friendship is not easily given - but when it is given it is as true as the north star.
She has a deep respect and love for animals.


About a month's journey north of Coran, across the Chaggath Spine mountains, lies the mid-size town of Akleta. The town is officially part of the Ondian kingdom and under the rule of Coran. Laws are interpreted more liberally here than in the central part of the Kingdom. The town lies among the rugged Corvatsch Highlands, a range of hills with deep, remote valleys and high pastures. These highlands are home to several transhumant clans, who tend their flocks in the high meadows in summer and move their homes down to the valley floors in winter, where they do business selling their stock to Akleta merchants. The people of the Corvatsch are renowned for their strength, their beauty and their fighting spirit.

Rustling and livestock and raiding have always been a part of the culture. But recent rivalries have pitted two of the larger clans against one another in a feud so viscious that one has nearly eradicated the other. Seeing opportunity in the misery of others, criminal slave guilds have offered their services to the Gol clan to rid the highlands of their unfortunate enemies - the Huttils.

Heligar is a Huttil clanswoman. Her husband was killed two springs ago while defending their herd in a raid. She and her son Haldin were left alone in the High Country after his death. They retreated to a small cabin under the fells and survived the winter with a remainder of the herd and a few sacks of grain. With the arrival of spring they heard a lone horn echoing on the fells. It was the horn of Old Baertchi from over the Yoke. He was summoning them to join him on the journey down to the Valley to buy livestock. Haldin gathered the last of his father's silver and set off to join the Baertchi boys while Heligar stayed behind with the animals. She watched as her son hiked down to the appointed rendezvous by the Silver Pool far below- she saw little specks below - men appeared from a cleft in the rock and approaching her son. She saw him fleeing - it was a trap! She watched as the boy was siezed, flogged and taken away into the valley. It was the last time she saw him.

Heligar donned her husband's armour and her father's old greatsword. She marched down the scarp with her herd. Selling the animals in the Valley for coin, her life as an adventurer had begun. Over the next year she has searched fruitlessly for her son. She fought off boozy ruffians in smoke-filled taverns, sand worms, insects, bandits, thieves and scoundrels - escaping capture once or twice herself. She journeyed to Akleta, and spent the rest of her earnings buying information. It has become clear that her son was taken by slavers and transported to a distant unknown land.

Lonely and bitter, Heligar now roams the dry countries far and wide seeking her fortune, while searching fruitlessly for Haldin and plotting vengeance. Now short on funds, Heligar recently found employment on Bendon's caravan as a wrangler and hired blade

Human Female Ranger 1 Age 31
Neutral Good Medium Human
Init +2; Senses: Perception +5
AC 17, touch 12, flat-footed 15 (+2 Dex +4 chain shirt +1 armoured kilt)
Armour Check Penalty -2
HP 15 (1d10+2), Toughness +3
Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +1
Courageous +2 vs. fear
Speed 30 ft.
Greatsword +4 (2d6+4/19-20 x2)
Longbow +3 (1d8) 100'
Quarterstaff +4 (1d6+4 / x2)
Dagger +4/+3 (1d4+3) 10'

Str 16, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 08, Wis 12, Cha 14
BaB +1; Atk +4; Range +3; CMB +4; CMD 16
Carrying Capacity: L:76 lbs. or less M:77–153 lbs. H: 154–230 lbs.
Level 1 favoured class bonus to Skills

Toughness, PowerAttack

Courageous +2 vs. fear
Good Looking (Charming) +2 Diplomacy, Bluff with anyone who can be attracted

SKILLS: (with ACP) Level 1 points: 7 (with human and fav. class bonus)
Climb +5, Swim +5, Stealth +4, Ride +4, Perception +5, Survival + 5 (+6 track), Handle Animal +6
Favoured Enemy 1t Level: Human(Ex)
+2 bonus on Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival checks vs. humans. 2 bonus on weapon attack and damage rolls against them.

Track (Ex) +1
Adds half Heligar`s level (minimum 1) to Survival skill checks made to follow or identify tracks.

Wild Empathy (Ex) +3
Heligar can improve the initial attitude of an animal. This ability functions just like a Diplomacy check to improve the attitude of a person (see Using Skills). Rolls 1d20 and adds her ranger level and her Charisma bonus to determine the wild empathy check result. The typical domestic animal has a starting attitude of indifferent, while wild animals are usually unfriendly.
To use wild empathy, Heligar and the animal must be within 30 feet of one another under normal visibility conditions. Generally, influencing an animal in this way takes 1 minute, but, as with influencing people, it might take more or less time.

Heligar can also use this ability to influence a magical beast with an Intelligence score of 1 or 2, but she takes a –4 penalty on the check.


Starting Gold Level 1: 300 Ranger Maximum
Carrying Capacity: L:76 lbs. or less M:77–153 lbs. H: 154–230 lbs
Money Pouch
000.00.........000.00.........Belt Pouch
007.60 gp......002.20.........Money Pouch Total

Base Gear on Person
001.00.........005.00.........Travelling Outfit
100.00.........025.00.........Chain Shirt
020.00.........010.00.........Armoured Kilt
001.00.........003.00.........Arrows (20) .
001.00.........000.00.........Flint and Steel
000.00.........001.00.........Unusual Wooden Disk with Symbols
002.00.........005.00.........5 Days Rations
255.00 gp......071.00 lbs.....Base Gear Total
007.60.........002.20.........Money Pouch Total
262.60.........073.20.........On Person Total
On Person Encumbrance: Light

Additional Gear in Haversack / Stowed
001.00.........010.00.........Hemp Rope
001.00.........002.00.........Cooking Kit
020.00.........005.00.........Fishing Tackle
010.00.........020.00.........Small Tent
001.00.........001.00.........1 flask lamp oil
007.00.........003.00.........Bullseye Lantern
040.20 gp......046.50.........Packed Gear Total
262.60.........073.70.........On Person Total
302.80.........120.20.........Carried Total
Free and Packed Encumbrance: Medium