
GreatNagai's page

74 posts. Alias of Gandal.


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Well, when i asked that question i already checked various methods, all of which have been as well reported on the thread. Effectively there isn't such a thing like the equivalent of the "aggro" from MMORPGs but that is perfectly reasonable when playing a tabletop game.
The fact a foe "will" or "could" choose to change target depends on too many factors to be handled by a skill check. Of course at a table top game spell casters have other ways of "get rid of aggro".

Kajehase wrote:
Callous Jack is banned for soaking his brain in absinthe.

Kajehase is banned because it is quite sometime i don't ban him any more

Xabulba wrote:
GreatNagai is banned for refering to anime.

Xabulba banned for not loving anime enough

Kajehase wrote:
GreatNagai banned for almost looking like one of the First Ones residing near Epsilon 956 (or whatever the heck the number was).

To tell it all i was looking for an avatar that looked like the Emperor of darkness from the Great Mazinger saga.....Kajehase banned for not figuring out

IkeDoe wrote:
Xabulba is banned for banning two users at once and thinking there wouldn't be consequences.

IkeDoe banned for not noticing that in the first ban i made i banned everyone that posted before me with a single ban

Since Elsbeth and Alandra share knowledge of infernal lang and i have no idea on how infernal should sound i could as well simply post in italian ( or some ancient variants like the italian from Dante Alighieri's La Divina Commedia ). Be sure that i'm not going to write insults or vulgarity, i don't even know if someone of you knows my lang. Or else i could simply write some random letters. You tell me.

Of course i'll add the translation in a spoiler for Alandra

Tanner Nielsen wrote:

As for the torture, well, I think a philosophy of 'by any means necessary for the greater good' is very Neutral in character.

I've always though of "the purpose justifies the means" philosophy as the Chaotic Good way of thinking. Of course to certain extents,it is anyway a good alignment.

I have a lot of free time usually, so i could do the quartermaster, dunno how long bfore my pbp campaign can start, and dunno how much time it'll take so i can't promise anything

Beek Gwenders of Croodle wrote:

We had it translated as Dissidio (disagreement)...

Questa mi era sfuggita..... per fortuna

Missed that one....luckily

Obviously she isn't dressed that way atm ;-) but i'm influenced by many many years of anime.....and by the photos of nude girls i use to draw the initial pose ( but we can skip this part )

This is a hand-drawn portrait of Elsbeth i made but don't expect too much, i'm not Louis Royo ( not even 1/100000 of him to tell it all T_T )

mine are gone as well still ....and i'm struggling to NOT let you learn italian swearwords

Beek Gwenders of Croodle wrote:

They mostly come from early Armenia (publishing house) translation of Dragonlance and Forgotten Realms novels, the worse of which were the first two Drizzt trilogies. Things got a bit better in the early nineties, luckily some roleplayers have grown enough to have a job and become translators.

Only read the first trilogy "I Draghi del crepuscolo d'autunno""I draghi della notte d'inverno""I draghi dell'alba di primavera" and the novels in which Drizzt first met Artemis Entreri...but didn't liked very much. luckily the translations were decent.

Beek Gwenders of Croodle wrote:
GreatNagai wrote:
golem101 wrote:

Don't ever forget the time that the Planes (i Piani) became the Plains (le Pianure)... =(

Don not forget the italian version of "Neverwinternights Hordes from the Underdark" in which one of the major cities in Faerun "Waterdeep" became "Profondacqua" :-( i felt sick

Don't get me started

Bugbear -> Pulciorso (this on wins all)
Purple Worm -> Ingordone
Bone Dragon -> Dragobone
Halfing -> Nanerottolo
Inn of the LAST Home -> Locanda della Casa PERDUTA

OK adesso devo usare l'italiano....dimmi chi ha concepito quelle oscenità!!!!!!!!! ( ok, now i have to use italian....tell me who conceived those obscenities!!!!!!!!!)

Beek Gwenders of Croodle wrote:

We speak Italian at the game table but we use english terms like "fireball" and not "palla di fuoco", we all grew up with AD&D which was never translated and we actuallly learned english from the Gygax rulebooks :) Besides English names sound much much better than Italian translations. Sometimes the translations are good but there are just not good evocative words to compare to the english ones.

Moreover much of the Internet documentation is in English, so it's easier to recognize game terms if you stick to one language only.

I am also struggling with using feet instead of meters. a corridor 10 feet wide makes sense, but 3 meters just sound a bit weirdly standard (Italian roleplayers here might not agree but consider we have been used to rooms with sizes multiple of 3 for years but I find them silly. It's much more realistic to hear multiples of 5 or 10 I think).
Once you get used counting in feet it's not much different, it's even easier to make calculations (torches have 20 feet range plus 20 feet of shade ecc.).

In my case when i started RPG's learning english was the only way to play.

And yes, english terms are much better for fantasy settings....took months to get that AD&D's "orchetti" were in fact the standard orcs, just because italian makes no differences between "orc" and "ogre"

Wrath wrote:

Don't worry too much, the boards play up every now and then. You seem to be having a bad run with it though GN, hoping that sorts out for you soon.

A quick question, i know it was over fairly quickly but how did everyone find the way I handled combat? Any suggestions?


The issues of this morning ( at least here ) seemed to be server crash problems, will see in the next days. I liked the combat, the fact it lasted so little time is due to the lethality of our archers. Will see for the next one to have another example

golem101 wrote:

Don't ever forget the time that the Planes (i Piani) became the Plains (le Pianure)... =(

Don not forget the italian version of "Neverwinternights Hordes from the Underdark" in which one of the major cities in Faerun "Waterdeep" became "Profondacqua" :-( i felt sick

She isn't the only one that is sleeping...had a dinner in a pub lately this evening after work, just got home, it's 2:00 AM here, will go to bed and post in IC thread tomorrow.

Alch wrote:

It's not only RPG's where the translations suck, it's everything. I turn on the TV and there's American shows that get literally butchered in the translations. I don't understand why they can't just do it like the Americans and just add subtitles. This "translation culture" is really pervasive.
Personally, I refuse to go to the movie theater to watch a translated film. For me it's subtitles or not at all.

Too true. This example is from i don't remember which novel from Forgotten Realms. The novel was (awfully )translated in italian, and there was a phrase stating that "a cleric was no longer able to TURN INTO undead because his deity had been slain"

Now the original said that he was no longer able to TURN undead, but the verb "to turn" in italian can be translated both as "diventare" ( to become, to turn into, to change shape )and "far fuggire" ( to turn something/someone, to make someone run awy )

As Alch said often films dubbed from english have the same problems in Italy too

Evil Genius Prime wrote:
Banned for using too many exclamation points!!!!!!

Banned for using fewer than me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Jade wrote:
GreatNagai wrote:
The Jade wrote:
GreatNagai wrote:
Nothing personal ...feel free to ban me anytime and for whatever reason....i'll be hanging in here for loooooooooong yet anyway.

GreatNagai is banned for putting Great in his own name.

That's like naming yourself EmperorJoe.

Never ever heard of Nagai Go ? The japanese author of one of the greatest ( if not THE GREATEST ) of all the sagas in anime hystory ?

Let remember it : Mazinger Z -1972-
Great Mazinger -1975-
Grendizer UFO Robot -1978-
Am i SO old that i'm the only one to remember these masterworks ???????

I got the usage, but I needed a semi entertaining reason to ban you and you were banned. NO ARGUING! ;)

EVERYONE who has posted thus far is BANNED again for going before me.

I'll not arguing. I'll simply ban you with a strike of KOSHIRYOKU BEAM, followed by a ROCKET PUNCH and finally DOUBLE HARKEN !!!!!!!!

The Jade wrote:
GreatNagai wrote:
Nothing personal ...feel free to ban me anytime and for whatever reason....i'll be hanging in here for loooooooooong yet anyway.

GreatNagai is banned for putting Great in his own name.

That's like naming yourself EmperorJoe.

Never ever heard of Nagai Go ? The japanese author of one of the greatest ( if not THE GREATEST ) of all the sagas in anime hystory ?

Let remember it : Mazinger Z -1972-
Great Mazinger -1975-
Grendizer UFO Robot -1978-
Am i SO old that i'm the only one to remember these masterworks ???????

Nothing personal ...feel free to ban me anytime and for whatever reason....i'll be hanging in here for loooooooooong yet anyway.

Kajehase wrote:

Hey, I too, can Italian. Spaghetti, macaroni, al dente, furbo, trequartista, cannelone, tagliatelle. ;)

GreatNagai banned for not speaking Swedish.

Kajehase banned for being a copycat

Kajehase wrote:

Charles is banned for not showing his mouth.

Also, GreatNagai is banned for impressing Ziesstra T'sarran before I had a chance to do it.

spiacente, al massimo posso darti lezioni di italiano :)

i'm sorry, i can give you italian lessons at the best :)

also Kajehase banned for not knowing italian.

Need some work of imagination here, but if with that"Arreeverdairchee" you mean "arrivederci" then i ban you.

Caccio di nuovo tutti quanti perchè non so cosa fare e sono le 0:30 di notte qui

I'm banning again everyone because i don't know what to do and it's 0.30 AM here

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Ziesstra T'sarran wrote:

*trembles slightly*

GreatNagai is banned for his damned sexy Italian-speak, which made me shiver a bit...

OK, maybe, JUST MAYBE Ziesstra T'sarran can be spared ;-)

Banning everyone for wasting my precious time.

Vi caccio tutti per aver sprecato il mio tempo prezioso ( banning in italian too )

Yep....LOOOOONG love affair with GURPS. But stopped at the 3rd ed.

And for the crossb. no thanks. Looking at Elsbeth record sheet i forgot i had it on her person, but it isn't ready anyway, and she isn't exactly a pro sniper so i'll stick with spells.

Lev, since Anya asked, i told her a summary of my background after the meeting. It's no problem for me if you want to ask her or to read my in-spoiler story. As long as char's background are concerned i read them out of curiosity ( but in play is another thing...i haven't read all the spoilers you and anya shared with alandra ) but i keep player's knowledge out of play.

And if i may ask...what you use to put pc's faces on map and to update it round after round ? Could try myself since i'm gathering players that would like to try pbp here.

I'm trying to start a pathfinder homebrew campaign (don't mind if RL or pbp) in italian. I'm native italian but quite good in english,as some of my rl players are. If i'll manage to it'ld require some good knowledge of italian.

joela wrote:
LOL. Yah. That reminded me of one 3.x game where the DM describe a dream sequence of our PCs getting annihilated if we went through a particular door. We did, lost half our PCs while the survivors sold their souls to the (minor) devils controlling the complex. :-)

We did worse...can't remember the module, it involved taking control of a valley in a competition with another pc's group (it was a lvl 7-9 adventure for the basic D&D published by TSR....yes,back in the Jurassic )

Anyway we cleaned the valley by all creatures until the last boss...actually it was a group of 1 main boss (adult red dragon)and 2 mini bosses ( youngling red dragons ) OUCH.
With the combined strength of both groups we started planning a surprise attack involving magic buffed stealth and all of the ice spells our wizards could squeeze.At least we thought there were all of us...a fighter tried to take a deeper look on its own and....triple simultaneous red dragon breath on everyone :(

Usually in my games i use a mix of both. After all the fact PC's are above the average of their races doesn't mean automatically there are not stronger foes around. As a guidance main plots ( those of the main campaign- but have still to start DMing pathfinder) stick to the balanced method, if players want to stretch their luck and go with quests i already planned as secondary and more dangerous they are likely to face TPK....but in such cases that is hardly GM's fault.

But one thing is for sure, i always plan where are greater challenges, and usually i try to let players know they could have to face a CR too high for them at a determined stage of the campaign. If they still want to try.....

I'm having heavy problem of blue-screen (comp restarting itself with no apparent reason) constantly. Am waiting for the technician right now. For my first post IC of the initial trip i may need to wait tomorrow ( Sunday ) and log with the comp of some friends. Will let you know.

Personally i don't like cats as house pets...i love dogs ( pity i can only afford 2 of them, i have 2 sausage dogs ). But i condemn every act of ill-treatment against every animal.

Since there are some of my players asking to try plp , i'ld have to GM them. I'm not saying i want to drop this game, i'll stick as long as it lasts, but would be interested to know how i can start a new pbp of mine ( but i'm afraid that would have to be italian only - or at least require a good knowledge of the lang ).

Present and dot

Ok really stupid question. I just figured out that neither PF nor 3,5 state how many spell scrolls fit into a scroll case.
Even thou in videogames like NeverwinterNights2 the number it can hold varies from 10 to several hundreds i know i can't expect to put 300+ spell scrolls in one case.....but how many ? Have to assume it is 1case=1scroll ? I hope not.

yellowdingo wrote:

Asmodeus Tattoo on the back of her head though it seems to be distorted in shape by her physical growth and covered by her hair. The Tat continues to grow...with every life taken no matter the reason. Eventually her head is entirely black with the Tattoo causing her hair to fall out. She begins to notice the Tattoo after she kills enough people to qualify for an upper level.

Just Tally her kills. Her hair falls out at 100 kills. Her body is covered at ten thousand Kills.

Nice idea, but i'll never be able to show that.Had no idea that crappy drawing could inspire such thought

W E Ray wrote:


That's my sister

Ehrr sorry, i didn't know that. I don't even know who is the girl the photo of whom i used to draw the pose

In my rpg experience ( more than 20 yrs ) i prefer when there are no good alignments in a whole bunch of CN or TN . 2 selfish usually get along better than 1 selfish and 1 selfless.

Crimson Jester wrote:
I guess I am just lost, I have not seen this show nor do I recognize these action figures.

They are from japanese anime of the 1970 - 1985 period

Here is my Deviantart account in case someone cannot access Facebook.

Really can only show so much atm, just created the account.

Kajehase wrote:
Only open to facebook-members. :(

Hoops ...will see to put them on deviant art asap, sorry

Since all of you helped me so much here it is what i came up with there are pencils and inks....dunno how much it'll take for the colors.
And feel free to laugh,i know i'm not Luis Royo. Sorry for all the italian writings.

Crimson Jester wrote:
Say what?

what 'bout ?

Wrath wrote:
Have faith in your companions hehe.

That is natural, it's just that usually in RL groups *I'M* the main tank.

Baldur's gate-Shadows of Amn-Throne of Bhaal-NeverwinterNights and many others- always played them as a fighter type. Started to play arcane casters with NeverwinterNights2, but in a videogame things are a bit different.
Anyway i'm totally determined to play this PC.

Ok thanks everyone...i'll start doing something, usually that is the best way to actually DO something :-)

Grazie infinite - thanks a lot
Forgot to include the languages Elsbeth speaks : common-elven-infernal-dwarven ( but feel free to change them )
Also i take i'll have to change a trait...will see into that tomorrow,it a bit late night here now.
And i need to know how starting equip'll be handled.

W E Ray wrote:

Kajehase ninja'd me.

Why in Hell would she wear something Abyssal. That's just horrible.

To the OP, don't you think we need a little more than "Half Elf Sorcerer" before we can answer?? And not just the Bloodline you chose.

What do you see as her personality -- or anything?

Your right no doubt, my problem is that i write my concepts in italian, so have to translate everything. Anyway here goes this PC background :

Elsbeth's life didn't begin easily. Her mother-an elven prostitute of Calistria- were kidnapped by slavers in Riddleport and sold to a debauched human noble named Antonio Volarius in Westcrown. With her skill as a charmer she managed to lure him into giving her a more decent life than that of a slave, until she eventually got pregnant. Difficulties arose during childbirth, and both the mother and the baby ran the risk of diyng but the cleric of Asmodeus that assisted the birth saved the half elven child promising her to his lord when she'd grow up. The mother died.
During adolescence Elsbeth never wanted to have anything to do with the church of Asmodeus in omage to her never-known mother , even thou she felt she effectevely had something related to the infernal lord, but always thought of Calistria as her deity. Her infernal ties gave her many troubles with the neighbours's children as the voice spread she was a tiefling for her fire-red hair and eyes.
When she was nearly 22 her father's decaying house falled in disgrace , and rather that suffering more vexations by other houses or , worse, being sold in slavery she used what she had – outstanding beauty, a tongue sharper than any sword and quite a selfish attitude- to flee from Cheliax

I really didn't mean to post the entire story just for a little suggestion but thanks

As i promised here it is my first concept. Hope anybody mind a M player with a F PC, i usually put males in fighting roles and females as arcane casters. Since this is a sorcerer i created a F.
I'm planning a "tank" and a cleric but since have to write their background in english it takes me a bit of time each.
This is rolled with the "4d6 drop the lowest" method than adjusted to a 20 pnts buy worth before adding the racial modifiers.

Elsbeth Volarius stats :
str9 dex11 con9 int14 wis13 cha19
lvl 1 female half elf sorcerer infernal bloodline
Alignment: chaotic neutral
Skills: knowl ( arcane )+6 intimidate+8 bluff+11 spellcraft+6
Feats: eschew materials, combat casting, skill focus (bluff )
Traits: reactionary,charming
Special qualities: corrupting touch 7 times/day, half elf traits
Cantrips: read magic,acid splash,daze,detect magic
1st lvl spells (4/day): mage armor,magic missile

and background:
Elsbeth's life didn't begin easily. Her mother-an elven prostitute of Calistria- were kidnapped by slavers in Riddleport and sold to a debauched human noble named Antonio Volarius in Westcrown. With her skill as a charmer she managed to lure him into giving her a more decent life than that of a slave, until she eventually got pregnant. Difficulties arose during childbirth, and both the mother and the baby ran the risk of diyng but the cleric of Asmodeus that assisted the birth saved the half elven child promising her to his lord when she'd grow up. The mother died.
During adolescence Elsbeth never wanted to have anything to do with the church of Asmodeus in omage to her never-known mother , even thou she felt she effectevely had something related to the infernal lord, but always thought of Calistria as her deity. Her infernal ties gave her many troubles with the neighbours's children as the voice spread she was a tiefling for her fire-red hair and eyes.
When she was nearly 22 her father's decaying house fell in disgrace , and rather that suffering more vexations by other houses or , worse, being sold in slavery she used what she had – outstanding beauty, a tongue sharper than any sword and quite a selfish attitude- to flee from Cheliax to ,maybe, Brevoy where she heard fugitive and half elves can have better life expectations if they are capable enough. It is yet to be seen whenever Asmodeus'll reclaim this life that was "blessed" by him....

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