Iconic Heroes Set #1 Final Photos (Part 2)!

Friday, December 12, 2014

We're just about a month away from the first release in our Iconic Heroes line of premium prepainted plastic figures. We've already shown the first in-hand photos of the finished figures for three of the figures in the set: Valeros, Seoni, and Sajan. This week we'll round out the set with looks at the final three figures.

These are NOT paint masters. They are not pre-production samples. They are finished figures representative of what the actual product will look like when it hits stores and subscribers in January. Incidentally, due to labor problems on West Coast ports, the official release date for Iconic Heroes Set #1 has moved from January 15 to January 28, 2015. Mark your calendars!

Up first this week is Seelah, Human Paladin. Seelah was the fifth Pathfinder iconic hero ever to appear in prepainted plastic. She had a figure in our first full set, Heroes & Monsters, and while her original miniature looked good in general, she came across as a little short compared to some of her iconic brothers and sisters, and I've always been itching at the chance to giver her another shot. I'm happy to say WizKids delivered admirably this time around. This version has Seelah wearing a full helmet, and the cool graphic stamped on the front of her shield must be seen to be believed—it's that good.

I've always been a fan of the original Lini figure from way back in Legends of Golarion. The new version of Lini, Gnome Druid is much more dynamic, with a sense of "three dimensionality" somewhat lacking in the original version. Of course, a druid is nothing without an animal buddy, so we've made sure to include...

I'm really happy with how the Droogami figure turned out. Lini's animal companion has never looked better. For starters, this is the first great cat figure we've yet produced that looks more ferocious than "furry." This version comes complete with a saddle!

Each Iconic Heroes set comes complete with 6 exclusive Pathfinder Adventure Card Game cards associated with the characters in the box.

Iconic Heroes sets begin in January and continue monthly from there. Beyond that, I've seen paint masters for the next full set (which should be announced imminently) and digital sculpts for the set after that. I'm currently putting together a set list for the first release in 2016. And I can't wait to show all of that awesome stuff to you! Soon.


Erik Mona

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Iconics Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

Love the Iconics, but soooooo ready for some new spoilers.


Here's a fun story about these new minis. Erik brought them over for all the designers to see, and in his explanation, I got my wires crossed on which one of the two I was holding Erik said was the new one. The new ones were so much more awesome, that I felt the need to point out all the things I liked better about what I thought was the old one. Given that there would clearly be pressure, if anything, to like the new one, hopefully that should be good evidence that these are equally pretty when you see them for real. It was for me!

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Please tell me you managed to include some creatures from the Plant type in one of the next two sets. I'm willing to wait it out and be surprised at which one/s. I'm just dying to get some new plant types. And some more fey would be nice.

As for these Iconics, I'm already sold. I'll buy at least one of them, probably two.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber
Pigraven wrote:
As for these Iconics, I'm already sold. I'll buy at least one of them, probably two.

I'll definitely be buying two of these. What I'd really like would be a subscription option to just this line; while I have bought a couple of full cases of miniatures, most of the time I only buy selected figures.

Grand Lodge

ErTick Mona wrote:

These are really awesome!

Do we get a spoiler about the PACG cards too ? Are there any special rules for them, or we simply shuffle the 6 new cards into the boon decks?

I'm definitely excited about these iconic packs, but are we focusing on them so much because the next set info isn't supposed to be public yet? I do like these, but I'm a bit tired of them (just because it's been all we've gotten for months.)

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

Yes. WizKids has not yet solicited the next set, so I can't talk about it. The situation should resolve itself shortly.

Grand Lodge

First release in 2016?

The Exchange

I like the saddled animal companion - it would be great to see a large "big cat" with a saddle for all the medium size heroes!


Chernobyl wrote:

I like the saddled animal companion - it would be great to see a large "big cat" with a saddle for all the medium size heroes!


What self respecting cat will show itself wearing a saddle?

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

claudekennilol wrote:
First release in 2016?

Yes, I'm working on the setlist for a set that will not release until probably March or April of 2016.

These things take a looooong time. :)

Does this mean that beyond the Iconic Heroes Set, there will be no releases in 2015? :(

Scarab Sages

Mercury141 wrote:
Does this mean that beyond the Iconic Heroes Set, there will be no releases in 2015? :(

"I've seen paint masters for the next full set (which should be announced imminently) and digital sculpts for the set after that. I'm currently putting together a set list for the first release in 2016."

So it looks like there are 2 sets releasing in 2015

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

Right. Two full sets in 2015 plus at least 6 Iconic Heroes boxed sets.

Thanks for the info Erik. I figured the hold up wasn't on your side. You've always been as forthcoming as you could :D

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

So, maybe both Adventure Paths for 2015 will have miniatures? Anyways, look forward to all of the Iconic Heroes boxed sets!

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8

Blog Post wrote:
They are finished figures representative of what the actual product will look like when it hits stores and subscribers in January.

I'm confused by this, because Liz Courts stated that these sets would not be a part of the subscription. Did that change?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

They're not part of the subscription, but subscribers get their usual subscription discount applied to them.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

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Zoltán Mészáros wrote:

These are really awesome!

Do we get a spoiler about the PACG cards too ? Are there any special rules for them, or we simply shuffle the 6 new cards into the boon decks?

I'm not quite sure what the situation for previewing the cards themselves is, but there *is* a new rule:

New Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Rule: Owners wrote:
If you are playing the character listed as the owner of a card, you may use that card when you build your character deck. Otherwise, add it to the box anytime after you add the first Adventure Deck of an Adventure Path.

For example, there's a Droogami ally card that lists Lini as the owner. If you're playing Lini, you can choose Droogami as one of your starting allies. If nobody's playing Lini, you'll have to wait until you start the first chapter of an Adventure Path to put Droogami in the box... and if you want her in your deck, you'll have to encounter and acquire her first.

The first six Iconic Heroes sets contain a total of 37 cards. 36 of them list owners.

Vic Wertz wrote:
The first six Iconic Heroes sets contain a total of 37 cards. 36 of them list owners.

Wait a second....that is one more total cards than cards that list owners!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I cannot remember if this has been answered or not, but will we be seeing less iconics in full sets because of the Iconic Heroes boxed sets?

Where I do love and appreciate my iconic heroes, I actually would like to see less in full sets as they will have their own boxed sets now and less of them in full sets would allow for more monsters/NPC townsfolk/etc. Not asking to stop iconics completely in full sets, but I certainly would be ok in seeing less of them. Especially considering the number of (unique) slots in a full set has been reduced now.

I have to admit, for some reason it bugs me that they sculpted Seelah as a lefty this time and her original figure was a right handed figure. I still like this one quite a bit. She just looks like she is righteous might incarnate.

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