Gold ENnie for Product of the Year!

Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 07:26 PM Pacific

The NPC Codex is the Product of the Year! We couldn't be more pleased and proud!

Sara Marie
Customer Service Dire Carebear Manager

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Tags: Gen Con

So totally agreed, NPC Codex is the most useful product I've bought in pretty much ever for the GM!

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The congrats are deserved. The NPC Codex seems like a simple product, but it is one of those items which can save a huge amount of hassle and time when a GM needs to drop in a character, quick.

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Oh especially since they're in Hero Lab too so tweaking a level or race or feat or whatnot and then having it be math-legal is the shizznit.

Silver Crusade

Holy crap. Congrats on all of these wins! :)

Dark Archive

all the NPC in this book are over in and in the NPC DB on
Handy fulltext field gives a Pathfinder styled html block of text that you can display in your browser

Silver Crusade

chopswil wrote:


all the NPC in this book are over in and in the NPC DB on
Handy fulltext field gives a Pathfinder styled html block of text that you can display in your browser

And on the Paizo-published PRD. Which I tend to prefer, myself.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

But with either of those resources, you lose out on the awesome art resource that is the full book itself. All of the PC classed NPCs have great art with them, and a good number of the NPC classes as well. Well worth the PDF price, if nothing else.

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