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Death in Delhi (Trade Paperback)

Thugs, Delhi-style

... Thugs, Delhi-style Tuesday, December 2, 2008Even more than his writing or game design, Gary Gygax is known for his imagination. The number of his unique creations—monsters and gods, spells and artifacts—that have entered the collective consciousness is truly mind-boggling. Yet like all great artists, Gary's inventions didn't spring full-formed from nothing, but rather were rooted in part in his deep love of history. For in order to create new mythology, you have to understand...
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Death in Delhi (Trade Paperback)

Fresh from the Delhi

Fresh from the Delhi Tuesday, November 18, 2008The holidays are swiftly approaching, which means it's crunch time around the Paizo offices as we race to get a bunch of awesome new products out the door before all of us take time off to spend with our loved ones (parents, spouses, Fallout 3). ... The upside? We've got some quality books coming out just in time for the gift-giving occasion of your choice! It's especially true of Planet Stories—in addition to Henry Kuttner's The Dark World...
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Infernal Sorceress (Trade Paperback)


... Ferretfolk! Tuesday, July 1, 2008Yes, you read that correctly. Ferretfolk. ... Under the auspices of Dungeons & Dragons, Gary Gygax created a number of iconic races, whether out of whole cloth or by combining a various different mythological and literary sources. So I guess I shouldn't have been surprised when, in his final novel, he did it one last time. At first, I balked—up to this point, Infernal Sorceress had been a fairly hard-edged and gritty fantasy romp. What were a bunch...
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Infernal Sorceress (Trade Paperback)

The Lost Gygax Novel

... The Lost Gygax Novel Tuesday, June 24, 2008Ever since we started, there's been a question as to whether or not Planet Stories would begin publishing original fiction—and if so, when. After all, one of the structural foundations of the line to date is that we publish not just great sci-fi and fantasy, but important sci-fi and fantasy. How can you possibly know ahead of time that a new work of fiction is going to be culturally significant? ... Turns out, sometimes that question is...
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The Samarkand Solution (Trade Paperback)

Wizard's Duel, Gygax-style

... Wizard's Duel, Gygax-style Tuesday, April 15, 2008In my last blog post, I mentioned that by far my favorite part of all the Gygax fiction I've read is his interpretation of that most classic of fantasy tropes: the wizard's duel. While we got a taste of such things in The Anubis Murders, the original Dungeon Master takes the art to new heights in The Samarkand Solution, showing us the sort of arcane power and creativity Magister Setne Inhetep is capable of when pushed to the limit by an...
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The Samarkand Solution (Trade Paperback)

Don't Mess with the Wizard-Priest

... Don't Mess with the Wizard-Priest Tuesday, April 1, 2008He's back! After taking several months to introduce you to some of the other legendary authorsin our Planet Stories line, we've come back around to the source and released The Samarkand Solution, Gary Gygax's successor to The Anubis Murders. Though the book stands alone (and indeed, all of the Gygax novels we're publishing can be read in any order), this adventure once more follows the adventures of Ægyptian Magister Setne Inhetep,...
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Tags: Gary Gygax Planet Stories The Samarkand Solution Setne Inhetep

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The Anubis Murders (Trade Paperback)

From the Guy Who Started It All

From the Guy Who Started It All Friday, June 29, 2007While there was much debate over which of the fun and historically significant books in our Planet Stories line should take the crucial first few slots, picking the lead-off hitter was easy. As the internationally recognized father of fantasy gaming, Gary Gygax has done more to help advance and establish the modern concept of fantasy than almost any other figure, placing him alongside such notables as J. R. R. Tolkien in terms of historical...
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