Primeval Thule: Cavern of the Golden Tears

Game Master LoganDanger

A follow up to The Tower of the Black Flame, taking place in the Primeval Thule Setting by Sasquatch Games.

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"Frail husks"
Brorn invokes Platinum, gaining a +3 nat armor bonus for 24 hours.

8 initiative

Initiative Order:
Skeletal Bowman
Skeletal Warrior
Skeletal Bowman
Skeletal Warrior
Skeletal Warrior
Skeletal Bowman

Round 1!

A brittle arm raises a rusty arrow to the string and looses the dart at Jurundr. Long centuries of undeath make these creature slow and their weapons unwieldy. The Barbarian from Nar deftly dodges, the arrow clatters to the ground far behind him.

In a thunderous burst of might, Bran kicks in the heavy bronze doors. Scanning the battlefield he set his eyes upon the nearest target. Swiftly and elegantly, he draws a two foot long bronze dagger from its ornate scabbard, raises it to the air and hurls it with pinpoint accuracy. The blade barrels into a dusty skull, cleaving it in two. Even still, the relentless warrior shambles on like the rest of his kin. A curse slips from Bran's mouth, more venom than words, "To hell with these creatures..."

The warriors all continue their shambling march toward Jurundr and Brorn, their jaws ganshing and grinding their teeth as vague whispers leak from throats without tongues. Another Bowman looses a shot which strikes Brorn in the shoulder; the first blood is drawn.

Llara steps inside next to Bran and raises her bow. She takes aim at the undead warrior who still walks after Brans dagger throw. The arrow meets its mark, shattering rusted mail and brittle bone on impact. The warrior falls and breaks into a heap upon the ground.

Brorn breaks the arrow shaft off at his shoulder and utters words in plea to some blasphemous thing. In response, a dull luster grows like a fungal plague about his exposed skin. His limbs are stiff at first, weighted by the unearthly metal that clings upon his flesh. His tundra bred muscles bulge and writhe as they come to understand their new shell.

Jurundr bounds into combat, axe swinging in rage. The warrior nearest him breaks apart like a fragile clay vessel upon the impact of his bronze. He finds himself amidst two other warriors, their limbs straining to heft their blades in attack.

Taking notice of Llara and Bran, an archer lets fly, the projectile narrowly missing Llara as it arcs over the edge of the bluff and into the jungle floor below.

End Round 1

Skeletal Bowman- Alive
Bran- No damage, lost dagger
Skeletal Warrior- Dead
Skeletal Bowman- Alive
Llara- No damage, 16 arrows left
Skeletal Warrior- Dead
Brorn- Takes 2 damage, +3 natural armor
Skeletal Warrior- Alive
Skeletal Bowman- Alive
Jurundr- No Damage, Flanked

Begin Round 2

Luckily no AoOs!
Invokes Entropic Warding...
"डिक चेनी शैतान से भी बदतर है।..."

Attack roll: 18
If I hit with my trident, damage: 7

An arrow flies wide, arcing over the Atlantean's shoulder.Bran charges forward, swinging his spear in a wide flashing arc at his aggressor. The blow tears through the mouldering mail the bones that wear that it splinter.

As Llara readies another arrow, just as a searing pain bites through her arm. Blood runs out the newly formed gash. She points and releases, rapidly drawing a new arrow for another shot. Both find their place with deadly speed. One bowman crashes to the floor in a desiccated heap. Jurundr feels the splinters of broken bone across his sun tanned skin as the huntress fells another unearthly thing directly behind him. No one can hear her make a whispered plea to the ancient gods of the forest as she prays that the spirits of these monstrosities may finally be free.

Flame red runes scrawl across Brorn's limbs as he chants in infernal speech. the acrid air around him shimmers as though the reality about him has shifted.

The last remaining undead raises its sword to strike at Jurundr, but the blade only meets the haft of his axe as the Narthan mercenary parries. Shoving hard against his opponent, the skeleton staggers backwards and is promptly met with a devastating blow. The shambling terror falls to the marble floor like felled lumber.

Bran- No Damage
Llara- 2 Damage, 14 arrows left
Brorn- No Damage, Entropic Warding in effect
Jurundr- No Damage

End Combat!

Each player gets 203 EXP. They are now at 6203/9000 for the next level.

The temple is silent once again. The ancient curse that shackled the warriors to this place remains, but without fodder it can raise no life. Still, the massive stone altar still stands, lonely and imposing at the back of the ruins. The giant figures look on as they have for untold centuries.

Perception roll to check what is around the altar and if there is any treasure in the room - 13

"Ha! Perhaps now this temple will surrender its secrets!"

Perception roll 17
History crit! -28

"I know this place..."

Jurundr runs his eyes carefully over the altar, what exactly he is looking for, he does not know. He kneels to get a closer inspection. There it is, a fine crack beneath the upper lip of the altar. There is something beneath the marble.

Llara looks on, "Wait." She kneels down beside Jurundr and places her hands upon the stone. Carefully she runs her hands along the lines of the altar. The Dhari hunter has spent enough time pilfering from temples and vaults in the streets of Quodeth to know that men never leave anything worthwhile unguarded. "Greed breeds paranoia in men." Jurundr looks on, admiring the skillful movements as the Llara searches for some indication of traps.

"These were not men, Llara." Carefully studying scrawled text upon placards on the temple wall, Brorn was able to discern the importance of this place.

"These warriors upon the walls, they are Janni."

The Janni have long since vanished from the face of the Earth. It was said they came from some astral plane in the misty days before even the Serpentmen of Nessk founded their terrible empire. These walls were not built, but wished into existence by the powers of the Janni nobles and priests. When the first elves came to Thule from their forsaken realm, these halls were long abandoned.

Llara listened intently as she continued her search. "There is nothing there. it is safe."

Jurnudr and Llara stood side by side and gave the altar a heaving shove. The lid toppled off, hitting the floor hard enough to crack .

Jurundr growls as he holds up a tattered, silken purse. Less loot than he had imagined.
Inside the purse sat six onyx gems and two green pearls. Nestled at the very bottom of the pouch is an ornately carved coral ring, crafted with the utmost care.

Bran marches in from outside, his commanding presence evident in his demeanor.
"The sun is setting, the gets lost in the jungles to the east. There is no cavern here, no golden king. We should move."

Each player gains 125 XP for the treasure. They should all now be at 6328/9000 towards the next level.

Perception roll 15

You see the road disappear into the mire of the deep jungle. It has to lead somewhere. If it leads to this temple, perhaps it leads back to the city where these worshippers lived. One thing is for sure, you will have to brave the the swamps that cover the road.

Brorn rolls 19 for Arcane Knoweledge to study the ring.
The ring is ornately carved with symbols of protection, the symbols are very similar to Celestial script that only the holiest of scrolls are written in.

The ring is revealed to be a Ring of Protection +1.

The old road is hard enough to follow in the nighted dark of the thick canopy. the mud and rotting foliage grows thick and soon you are up to your knees in swamp. It becomes difficult to get your bearings. Who will lead you toward your destination?

Perception roll 13.

Are there any torch lights or other obvious signs of people up ahead?

"What a musty smell we have discovered. Now I know why the mummy cried..."

There are none, you seem to be the sole humans in this place. If anyone has passed by here recently, they left no trace. Someone with a knowledge of wilderness might be able to lead you through.

13 Survival roll to not step somewhere stupid ;)

19 Nature check
"Follow me, if you wish to live."

10 to survival check :/

Guess I'll role for Bran and Llara again...

The jungles and swamps are thick with rot and murk. While Jurundr attempts to find a way out of the mire, his life of adventure has not led him onto terrain such as this. Llara however, was born and raised as a hunter and tracker amongst the tangled mazes of Dhar Mesh. Her life as a thief in the cities has not diminished her instincts a bit. She has found a path, but as you march the harshness of the valley floor begins to take its toll.

I need constitution rolls from everyone, in addition I need rolls for stealth, survival or perception (choose whichever is highest).

Constitution - 11
Stealth - 3
Survival - 7
Perception - 25

Constitution: 18 + 4
Perception: 14

Heidi (she isn't near her computer right now)
Constitution: 19 + 4
Perception: 24
Heidi also uses her Inspiration ability to add 4 to anyone's saving throw if needed this turn.

Three hours later, the nighted jungle seemed darker than it had been earlier. Llara was able to guide everyone safely and efficiently through the swamplands with little hassle. Bran, having spent nearly 20 years of his long Atlantean life marching against through the wilds of Thule. His commanding presence and forceful instruction provided the necessary morale to make it through the harsh terrain. Brorn and Llara spotted the tale-tale signs of a stalking saber cat, but Llara was aware of the the beast's presence. With skill the creature was eluded.

For the last mile or so, the shadows and silhouettes of toppled ruins stood, crooked and forgotten from the marshes. From out of the jungle and murk rose the sheer cliff face of the bluffs on the other side of the valley. The rock-hewn bones of ancient building began to grow thicker as the cliffs grew closer. Soon, the stone roadway appeared beneath the marching feet once again. Following the path through the city, long reclaimed by the surrounding environment, you find yourselves at an ornately decorated opening, a massive black obelisk on each side.

Weathered stone steps lead up to an entrance of natural stone, smoothed and worked to form a relatively clear passage. Worn bas-reliefs depict tall, toga-clad humanoids with sad, wise faces. It looks like they are depicted as being significantly taller and more nobly proportioned than humans. Most of the faces have been crudely chiseled out or smashed.

"He meets some fragment huge, and stops to guess
What powerful but unrecorded race
Once dwelt in that annihilated place."
"Let us search."

Perception: 18

Use Detect Magic
Perception - 9

Perception roll 28

"Glad to be out of that muck. And to an area of interest no less."

After some careful study, it appears as though you are not the first to to come here in recent days. Footprints, and not just sandaled feet, lead into the cavern. Light from a few flickering torches illuminates the inside. Statues, just like you saw in the temple line the walls, their faces desecrated just like the carvings on the obelisks at the entrance. Llara searches the entrance but finds no traps.

History check - 15

Aside from recognizing the Janni architecture, you know nothing else about the history of this particular location.

What do we have for lighting options? Do we want to take these torches with us?

It's either that or if we have a Light spell. Let us venture further inside!

No torches are within reach. They are lodged into sconces further into the cavern. As you enter, your eyes adjust to to the dim, fire-lit corridors. A few yards in the path splits at a group of three giant statues, each bearing a torch in one hand and a massive stone spear in the other. They figures of rock appear to be clothed in fantastic armor. You can only imagine how menacing these warriors must have been in life. Nestled between each marble foot sits a large urn of stone, sealed at the top.

From here, one path heads off around the corner to the left, the other goes down to the right.

Strength: 19 to open the urn

Perception roll 13

Are there any noticeable differences in the paths or the corridors? Are footprints in one, or is one lit up the other isn't? Are there voice seemingly coming from one or the other?

The urn opens to reveal ash and charred bits of bone. Perhaps these are the remains of the warriors immortalized in stone.

The path to the right seems to branch off again, with one turning back to the left, perhaps leading to the same room the first left path joins with. You hear no voices, but the right hand path sounds as though it moves close to a water source. the footprints from the entrance diverge at the statues. Sandaled feet lead off to the right while the prints of something vaguely human leads to the left.

Llara kneels to get a closer look.
"These tracks, they are Beastman. But there is only one..."

"I say we head left and meet the Beastman head on!"

"Agreed. Let us venture onward. Brorn, are you ready?"

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*eye twitch* "My Lord is waiting."

You walk into the chamber and are immediately greeted by the smell of acrid smoke. The room is choked with the haze of a small fire burning in the center In the gloom you can make out the shapes of more giant statues, a series of three on each side of the room. In the center of the room are piles of rubble, the remains of toppled and desecrated statues. The statues are different than the ones in the previous rooms, they are not adorned with armor, but crowns and elaborate robes.

From somewhere in the haze a harsh, guttural laugh echoes across the room. There is chanting, strange and vile. Words spoken as if in command. You recognize it as the language of the Beastmen. Figures lurk in the vale of smoke but you cannot get a clear view. Something large is moving in the smog.

Going to need your initiative and first actions.

"Come out and face us head on like a true warrior! No true victory comes from the shadows!"

I want to run in, unless the team wants to sneak

ई'वे गोत बिग गेंदों। तुम बड़े गेंदों मिल गया है। हम उन सभी का सबसे बड़ा गेंदों मिल गया है।..

Initiative 17

Harrowing, Frightening Blast - 9 dmg - gain 2 health
at the large target.

Perception roll - nat 20 see what the big creature is

You can run in, Brorn; I'm going to stride confidently. ;)

Initiative: 19

First action: My bronze trident is raised, ready to skewer any enemy within range. Attack: 25 If I hit, damage is: 8

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Order of Initiative

Bran leaps into the fog, lunging at some dark shape. Sulfuric smoke stings his eyes but through the tears he is able to land a hi. Through the gray he is able to make out some massive, boney thing.

Through the acrid cloud, a small shape arcs toward Jurundr. It strikes him in the shoulder. Looking to where it fell, his eyes lock on to a small, leather object. Immediately his senses register the strange object. A grotesque, deformed face beneath a menacing tuft of ragged hair. It was a head, shrunken in some vile rite. The voices start as whispers, faint and distant, but suddenly it is all that Jurundr can hear. The indistinct voices clamor through his brain and he is frozen with fear.

Brorn takes the time to peer through the smoke. For a moment he can see the figures through the murky air. In the center of the room, near the smoldering fire, stands a Beastman covered from head to tow in bone, feathers and abhorrent fetishes. There is something around his neck. Some golden amulet. Then there are the giants, towering colossi of undeath. Dried flesh wrapped tightly around aged bone, each carrying a small tree trunk more so than a club. Brorn lashes out; his lips curl and an unholy bellow escapes from the dark cavity in his chest. A beam of bright flame juts from his mouth, the lower jaw seemingly unhinged. It rushes through the target, one of the skeletal beings, singing flesh and bone.

Jurundr is unable to move, his eyes fixated on the strange fetish. The words flow through his ears in repetition on some bloody curse.

The giant skeleton that looms over Bran lifts its heavy club and smashes it across Bran's armored body. The impact is like a boulder. The bronze cuirass the Atlantean wore is dented and warped. Something inside his body aches and blood runs down his lip. The other abomination staggers toward Jurundr but is promptly met with an arrow that lodges itself in its chest. Llara looses another bolt, but the smoke waters her eyes and the arrow misses its mark.

Bran- 15 damage
Beastman- 0 damage
Brorn- 0 damage, gains 2 HP
Jurundr- 0 damage, held for this round (is now free), cursed (-2 on all rolls)
Skeleton- 8 damage
Skeleton- 9 damage
Llara- 0 damage, loses 2 arrows

End Round 1
Begin Round 2

"Agh the voices! My axe will silence all!"

Attack the Beastman - 1st attack roll 8, 2nd attack roll 17. 1st damage roll 7, 2nd damage roll 9.

I dip forward (behind the skeleton), spin, and stab up through the spine and ribs.
Attack: 20
Damage, if I hit: 5

Bran dives beneath the raised arms of the giant undead, it swings as the Atlantean's guard was down. The club narrowly misses the warrior. A blow that could have very well meant death. He returns the attack, shoving his trident through the creatures chest. It seems unfazed, but how does death react to pain?

A deep, gurgling roar echoes through the smoke filled chamber as the Beastman runs through the haze.

Ben told me to post his roll results. He couldn't get in the internet today. Perception - 16, Frightful Harrowing Blast - 2 dmg

Brorn sets his sights on the witch doctor, as long as he focuses he is able to keep track of the beast. A wave of heat erupts from the Beastman as the Warlock channels his patron's infernal magic.

Jurundr attempts to chase the cursemaker through the smoke. The space between the figure and the barbarian lessens but still the creature is out of reach.

The skeleton looming over Bran swings again, but again the monstrous figure barely misses. The ground at Bran's feet cracks at the impact.
The other giant intercepts Jurundr and slams the club against the mercenary from Nar. The ow would have felled a lesser man.

Llara squints hard, her sight focused on her target perception - 13. This time, the arrow meets its target. The Beastman is hit squarely in the thigh; blood spills upon the sacred cavern floor. The bestial wizard wails in pain.

Bran - 0 damage
Beastman - 5 damage
Brorn - 0 damage
Jurundr - 19 damage
Skeleton - 5 damage
Skeleton - 0 damage
Llara- 0 damage, loses 1 arrow

Perception check - 20
Harrowing, Frightening blast - 7 dmg to beastman

I will rage out and continue my attacks against the Beastman.

Attack roll 16 (with the -2 modifier)
Dmg roll 7

"Think more with your brain, Jurundr, not with your heart! Check to see if they are one in the same!"

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